Water Ski Club

What is water skiing?

Water skiing is a competitive water sport where you ride skis on top of the water while being pulled behind a boat. The Texas State Water Ski Team competes in 3-event  competition skiing. These 3 events include Slalom, Trick, and Jump.

  • Slalom: Ski through a course around 6 buoys. When you successfully ski around 6 buoys, the speed is increased or the rope is shortened to increase difficulty.
  • Trick: Perform tricks with predetermined point values within 20 seconds.
  • Jump: Ride on two skis over a ramp, longest distance wins.

Do you need any experience to join?

No experience is necessary! The TXST Water Ski Team takes pride in growing the sport by teaching people to ski who may have never learned it before. The skill level on our team ranges from skiers who have never gotten up before to skiers who have been skiing their whole life. We do not hold any tryouts for our team so any Texas State Student is welcome to join!

Where do you ski?

We ski at San Marcos River Ranch (SMRR) in Martindale, TX. SMRR is a private ski lake within a gated community built specifically for water skiing. Our lake is approximately 15-20 minutes from campus and carpooling with other skiers is an option for transportation.

What days times do you practice?

We do not have set practice times but the lake is available to us on Mondays-Fridays from 8am-5pm. As long as one of our boat drivers is available to drive, any skier is welcome to come to the lake at any point within those days/times.

What region are you in? What schools do you compete against?

We are part of the South Central Region (SCR). Our region consists of Texas State University, The University of Texas, Texas A&M, Baylor, Southern Methodist University, University of Louisiana Lafayette, University of Louisiana Monroe, and The University of Arkansas. If you want more information about our region, check out the SCR website https://www.ncwsascr.org/teams

When is your season?

We compete in both the fall and spring season and usually we have 7 tournaments every year. In the fall we have: 

  • Fall Classic (hosted by UT)
  • Bayou Classic (hosted by ULM)
  • Regionals (hosted by TXST)
  • Nationals (hosting team changes) 

In the spring we have:

  • Polar Bear Classic (hosted by TAMU)
  • Fleur de Ski hosted by (ULL)
  • All Stars (hosting team changes)

How much are the dues for this team?

Our dues are $250 for non-competing members, $275 for B-Team, and $300 for A-Team. This includes skis, life vests, gloves, ropes, boat gas, boat upkeep, lake rent, and travel expenses.

How to join?

Any Texas State student is able to join the Texas State Water Ski Team at any point during the semester. If you would like to join, please reach out to us using the contact information below."


Water Ski club member on the water skiing